With the world participating in greater sustainable goals each year to keep our climate below an increase of 2°C here at Amaze World we are also doing our bit! We are dedicated to ensuring we are an ongoing aMAZEing sustainable tourist venue for everyone to enjoy.
The Queensland Tourism Industry Council (QTIC) is helping drive sustainability through their accreditation programs that work alongside the goals of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). The UNWTO recognises that tourism contributes both directly and indirectly to all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, so the QITC is committed to building a resilient tourism industry through its climate change response plan.
To gain our title of being a Quality Tourism Accredited Business through QTIC we had to prove our commitment to sustainability, and we did! Our little piece of paradise uses both bore water and rainwater tanks for all our water use, solar panels provide us with the majority of our daily power needs, black water is irrigated through our septic tank systems, and we sequester large amounts of carbon through our beautiful gardens and plants.
With further goals and action plans in development we are moving towards even more sustainable options as we grow our aMAZEing venue further, all leading to our commitment to you, the Sunshine Coast and the World!